When you are looking for a preschool, what is it that is on the list of qualities you are looking for?
Here is a sample of what parents have shared with me:
1. A loving enviroment
2. Low teacher/student ratios
3. A place where their child is accepted for who they are
4. A place where their child will be prepared for the next level of their education
5. Open and constant communication
Here at La Canada Preschool one quality parents say they feel is present is the love we show the children. In the fearful world we live in many schools are afraid to hug, hold or show loving gestures towards a child. I believe this is a disservice, and needs to be reinstated as part of the daily curriculum. Without a hug, a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on where do children feel that loving connection with a teacher? I have been told that we need to let parents know here at La Canada Preschool the love for the children is on the forefront of our interactions. The kindness and acceptance for each child is seen in a teacher holding a child, giving hugs daily and always making time for loving interactions through out the day.
When you child grows up they may not remember when they learned their ABC’s, but their soul will remember that they felt a love for school that will stay with them forever.
What are you looking for in a preschool? Is love on your list?