Wednesday April 14 we will begin offering our Parenting 101 class at La Canada Preschool. The topics we are looking to discuss, along with what emerges from the group, are positive discipline techniques, cooperation, routines, characteristics of development, and responsibility. What we want is to have a place where parents can come and feel supported for this overwhelming job of being a parent.
There were times when a class like this would be what saved me as a parent with just the knowledge that my child was not the only child acting out, being difficult and testing me on a daily basis. This class can begin a conversation in your home with the other co-parent as to what is it you are expecting and is it matching your child’s own temperament and developmental stage.
This class will meet for six weeks and the cost is $150.00.
Please consider joining myself and Janet Chadwick, a public school educator and mother of two grown children, for a class that will support you, encourage you and educate you.