Five Things to Do with your Preschooler during Spring Break
Spring Break is upon us, and I can hear parents in the preschool talking about what are we going to do with our children for a week. It seems our children are happy when we plan activities that are engaging and fun. Here are my recommendations for enjoyable Spring...
Kindergarten Entrance Date : A new law that makes sense
It has been confusing when parent's ask me, "What is the date of entrance for kindergarten?". There is a new law in the state of California that takes effect in 2012. The law states that children need to be 5 years old by November 2, 2012; then by October 2 in 2013...
Kindergarten: How do we prepare?
Last week I went a visited a public school kindergarten, and I was amazed at the expectations as well as sad to see the lack of activities that allowed for free choice or play. Instead children were asked to sit and work for almost the entire morning, with the...
A few good spaces left at LCP
Just wanted to give everyone an update on our regsitration process. We have a few good spots left in the morning and in the Pre-K, and we would love have you join us. The registration fee is $195.00, and that guarantees you a spot in the summer program and for...
Preschool Registration: What have we created?
It is that time of year when we begin the registration process at LCP. We work at keeping it simple. Right now all our current families are turning in their forms. Then in January we will be accepting registration from new families. It is first come, first serve. No...
Candy Fairy Theory
Children have been coming to preschool this week telling me about the Candy Fairy. This is someone who they give all their Halloween Candy to, and in return they receive a toy for their donation. It struck me as this new trend is on the scene, what are we teaching ?...
Halloween and Preschoolers: Keep it light
As our children get old enough to enjoy more activities we need to be mindful of what is developmentally appropriate for them to experience. Here at La Canada Preschool, we have set up some Halloween decorations in a well lit room to create a preschool haunted house....
Pre School Starts Tuesday September 7
Pre School starts at La Canada Preschool on Tuesday September 7 at 9:00 a.m. for the morning students and 12:30 p.m. for the Pre-K class. Please drop your child off in front of the school where we will greet them and help them settle, then park and come to the front...
Kids say the Darndest Things: Happy Father’s Day
At preschool we love to do dictations with the children. This is a process where we ask the children to tell us about something, them we write it down verbatim, and then read it back to the child, which promotes literacy. This week we have been asking the children...
What to look for in a Preschool: The 4 E’s
When looking for a private preschool the choices can be confusing. There are different philosophies of early childhood education, with many time schedules, tuition costs, and fees. Here is what you need to consider when looking for a preschool we will call the Four...
Teacher Appreciation Week=true validation
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and the true validation that our staff is feeling is a gift to behold. Today we had a beautiful luncheon, where parents not only brought in food but came in to watch the children so that the teachers could eat together. We have...
Parenting 101 Classes at LCP
I will be teaching a class we call Parenting 101 at La Canada Preschool for six Wednesdays beginning April 14 through May 19th from 7-8:30 p.m. Our goal is to provide a safe and informative place where parents can share their concerns about parenting. We will share...
Learning through Play
Everyday that I sit in the yard at La Canada Preschool I believe that our children are learning best by playing and following their own curiosities, by solving real problems such as how to balance a stack of blocks or how to negotiate to have a turn holding the hose....
The Importance of Dads, Grandpas, Friends and Neighbors
Everywhere I look I see amazing men with children. Dads who take the time to teach their children songs, grandpas who bring their grandchildren to preschool, as well as male friends and neighbors who take an interest in children. This past Saturday we had Donuts with...
October 28 and 29 Picture Day
Remember Picture Days are Wednesday October 28 for the Morning Students and Thursday October 29 for the Morning Students and the Pre-K Students. We will not be having an messy art or play these days, so feel free to send your child to school in their finest clothes....
October 17 Back to School Family Day and Book Fair
Please come join us for our annual Back to School Family Day on Saturday October 17 from 9: 00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. This is a morning for your family to come in, meet the teachers, and get to know us better. We will have the childrens art work on display, a book fair...
Welcome to La Canada Preschool
School begins Tuesday September 8 and Wednesday September 9. We have openings for all our morning programs and would love to give you a tour!
summer school
We have Summer Fun at La Canada Preschool until August 13, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon.
La Canada Preschool
School Hours
Weekends: Closed