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La Canada Preschool

La Canada Preschool

Welcome to your local community preschool.

Providing early childhood education since 1949, we invite you to take a tour an see why we are so special.
We look forward to hearing from you : )

Every Child’s Day is Centered Around:

Exploration, Communication, Wonder, Social Skills Development, Language Skills & Creative Expression
School Hours
Monday – Friday: 8am – 4pm
Weekends: Closed
4460 Oakwood Avenue, La Canada, CA
School Hours
Monday – Friday: 8am – 4pm
Weekends: Closed
4460 Oakwood Avenue, La Canada, CA

Our Programs


Our morning program meets from 9 a.m. till 12:00 noon. The children spend the first ninety minutes outside, and the second ninety minutes inside. Mixed age with children from 2-5 years old, children have access to art, small motor, large motor, waterplay, sand play, as well as open ended activities’ lnside children will have two circle times, a mini-meal, as well as free play mixed with art, books, manipulatives and dramatic play.


The TK is designed to completely educate your child about their next educational experience, Kindergarten. At the same time, we allow them to learn through play for one more year, with an emphasis on art, open ended activities, music, singing and imaginative play. We will teach Zoo phonics, printing skills, math, and what is expected when they go to kindergarten. Lt is a special class, with 20 children and 2 teachers, creating an intimate and special experience.


Children have the option to stay with us all day, either by attending in the morning, then staying for a nap and play, or they can combine the morning and the Pre-K program together. In the nap room we have a small, intimate environment where children can rest or fall asleep. A snack is served after they get up, and then they join the Pre-K for a play time.

All day hours are
8 a.m. till 5 p.m.

We create a warm and nurturing environment for each child.

Thought open ended play based experiences children flourish, and grow to love their school, taking pride in belonging to a community.

Facilitated by a staff with 30 plus years’ experience with preschoolers, one teacher for every seven children, you will quickly relax and feel the warm, caring environment where your child will learn above all else that this is their school family. Come join us: we’ve been waiting for you….

News and Updates

News and Updates

Dictations With The Children

Hey it's Mr. Tony again.  I love doing dictations with the children which is an activity I do with the children on an almost regular basis.   It's also a step towards literacy.   It shows  children  that a story has a start, middle and end.  In writing with the...

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Bubble Ball Painting

With the  La Canada Preschool Arts Fair vastly approaching, I worked with the children on painting using bubble balls. It is a fun way of dipping a bouncing plastic ball into paints of  different colors to create unique and different designs such as snowflakes and...

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Blow Dryer Art

Blow Dryer Art

Okay so I've got a new art toy to use at the preschool.  I picked up a blow dryer at the CVS  in La Canada and oggled it  and I thought of the wonders I'd do with it.  I experimented with four colors.  I plopped four different colors on top of each other and pulled...

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A Word From Our Director

“I’d like to invite you to call and make an appointment to see our school. A school is more than just a building. It’s the laughter of the students, the nurturing and learning that our excellent teachers provide and of course the common goal of the staff to create a sense of learning in all of our students!”

La Canada Preschool

4460 Oakwood Avenue
La Canada, CA 91011



School Hours

Monday - Friday: 8am – 5pm
Weekends: Closed